The Federal Trade Commission vs Facebook - Summary of the Suit
February 23, 2021
Below, I summarize the FTC complaint against Facebook, citing the relevant paragraphs so you can go get more detail as needed. This was a useful exercise in helping me understand the case; I hope it also helps you understand.
Presenting Concord & Kybern
September 30, 2020
A recording of my September 30th presentation for the Metagov weekly seminar.
Bundles of Sticks All the Way Down
September 21, 2020
The core goal of Concord is to create a system which allows people to adapt their community's permissions to meet their changing needs. I've tried to do this by breaking permissions down into component parts. Every permission can be treated separately, and configured in a variety of ways. The drawback to this approach is how hard it is to build back up sensible, expected behavior.
A peek at
September 08, 2020
I'm writing up some documentation for Concord in preparation for making the project public. Here's a section with some screenshots of Concord implemented on, demonstrating how you might use the platform.
Governing the Information Commons
March 04, 2020
Modern digital platforms encode individualist and capitalist concepts of property ownership into their very design - but what are the alternatives?